كائن حى مجهرى - tradução para Inglês
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كائن حى مجهرى - tradução para Inglês

  • [[Louis Pasteur]] showed that Spallanzani's findings held even if air could enter through a filter that kept particles out.
  • [[Antonie van Leeuwenhoek]] was the first to study microscopic organisms.
  • A laboratory [[fermentation]] vessel
  • Euglena mutabilis]]'', a [[photosynthetic]] [[flagellate]]
  • The photosynthetic [[cyanobacterium]] ''Hyella caespitosa'' (round shapes) with fungal hyphae (translucent threads) in the [[lichen]] ''Pyrenocollema halodytes''
  • [[Mahavira]] postulated the existence of microscopic creatures in the [[6th century BC]]
  • The [[eukaryotic]] [[parasite]] ''[[Plasmodium falciparum]]'' (spiky blue shapes), a causative agent of [[malaria]], in human [[blood]]
  • [[Robert Koch]] showed that microorganisms caused [[disease]].
  • [[Lazzaro Spallanzani]] showed that boiling a broth stopped it from decaying.
  • ''[[Staphylococcus aureus]]'' bacteria magnified about 10,000x
  • Wastewater treatment plants]] rely largely on microorganisms to oxidise organic matter.
Microbe; Micro-organism; Micro-organisms; Microorganisms; Micro organism; Microbes; Microbial; Microscopic organism; Microrganism; Microörganism; Microörganisms; Simple life organisms; Microoerganism; Microoerganisms; Productive Microbes; Micro organisms; Singlecelled; Soil microbes; Microbial life; Plant microbiology; Microscopic organisms; Microscopic life; Microscopic discovery of microorganisms; 🦠; Microbial organism; Microbial taxa; Microbial cell
كائن دقيق ، كائن حى مجهرى
كائن حى مجهرى      


جنس من الأواليات
أميبا (كائن دقيق); متحولة; نغاضة; أميبة; متموره; المتحولة; الأميبا; متمورة; الاميبا; Amoeba
